quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2018

Numbers for kids

Ligue os numerais as quantidades de estrelas
Numbers stars, an interactive worksheet by lucilenemoura

quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2018


Colors, an interactive worksheet by lucilenemoura

Colors, an interactive worksheet by lucilenemoura

Preposição 4º ano


Como e quando usamos o apóstrofo ( ' ):

  • This is Lucius's laptop. (antes de nome próprio)
  • That is the girls' video games. (apenas o apóstrofo, pois o nome já tem "s". 
  • This is Olivia and Tom's car. (apenas no último nome)
Whose, an interactive worksheet by lucilenemoura

Verb to be

Verb to be, an interactive worksheet by evelinamaria

domingo, 17 de junho de 2018

8º ano - Clothes

Ligue as peças de roupas.

Agora escreva os nomes de cada parte indicada.

quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2018

6º ano - partes da casa

Assista ao vídeo 



7º ano - Sports / can/ can't

Adjetivos - 8º ano

Observe as imagens e pense em um adjetivo para cada cena.

Relacione os adjetivos no seu melhor tempo.

Desafie seus amigos a bater seu record.

sexta-feira, 6 de abril de 2018

(6º ano) Plural

Veja alguns exemplos de palavras  no plural na Língua Inglesa.

      • thief         =   thieves
      • man         =    men
      • woman    =   women
      • tooth       =   teeth
      • foot         =   feet
      • sheep      =    sheeps
      • mouse     =    mice
      • chil          =    children
      • wolf         =    wolves
      • tomato    =    tomatoes

Convide seus amigos e treinem, criandos seus próprios recordes.

(6º ano) Family

Clique em Start e depois nos alvos. 

Sobre a familia Real responda o questionário:

domingo, 1 de abril de 2018

(8º ano) Biography - Leonardo Da Vince.

Resultado de imagem para da vince

Born in 1452, Leonardo da Vinci is most famous as a painter, but he was also a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, sculptor, architect, botanist, musician, and writer.
He is one of the most famous artists in history, and some people think he is one of the most talented people ever to have lived.
Leonardo was born in Vinci, a small town in Italy. That is where he got his name – 'da Vinci' means 'of Vinci,' so he was known as 'Leonardo from Vinci,' because he did not have a last name.
Leonardo started painting while he was a child, and when he was fourteen he was sent to the city of Florence and apprenticed to an artist named Verrocchio. In the workshop, Verrocchio and his 
apprentices would often work on pieces together. That is why Leonardo only painted part of the earliest paintings we have of his.

By the time he was twenty, Leonardo da Vinci was good enough that his father set him up in his own workshop, and that is when he began creating artwork of his own.



(7º ano) Party

Relacione os termos usados em uma festa de aniversário.

Resultado de imagem para birthday party

Vamos jogar?

Descubra que festa é esta?

Prom - Uma das festas mais importantes dos adolescentes nos EUA

As garotas desfilam com seus longos vestidos em suas limousines, muitos dizem que até parece uma competição de vestidos. A `Promo" é celebrada nos EUA desde 1950. A festa se tornou um icone apos a depressao e da II Guerra Mundial.

From Debutante Balls to High School Hops
A History of Prom
Proms of the twenty-first century are elaborate affairs dominated by designer dresses, fancy stretch limousines, and incredible competition for a place in the prom court. Popular literature and movies of the day increasingly focus on prom themes, and teenagers may spend months planning and preparing for the all-important night. With all of the significance attached to the proms of today, it seems a bit surprising that the event has existed in all of its splendor only since the 1950s. While formal dances for young people were common as early as the late 1800s, proms began to take on today’s iconic status in a teenager’s life only as America recovered from the Great Depression and World War II. During their relatively short history, proms grew from simple affairs in Sunday dress to extravaganzas where competition for the best prom dress, the best date, and the best prom court distinction took center stage.
[...] The term “prom” comes from the word “promenade,” meaning a march of guests into a ballroom to announce the beginning of a formal event or ball. [...]
The first proms came about as middle-class replications of the grand debutante balls. Parents in the middle class noticed and admired the poise of the debutantes and wished the same for their own young teens. [...]
Today, prom continues to be an important event in a teenager’s life. [...] However, [...] proms are also beginning to grow more and more liberal in the twenty-first century. It is now not always required for a teen to have a date to attend the prom [...]. Some youth see it as the ultimate high school event, while others see it simply as a fun and fancy way to celebrate high school life and friendship.
Extracted from: <http://www.randomhistory.com/1-50/004prom.html>. Accessed 25 Jan. 2017.

(8º ano) The superlatives

Vamos treinar os superlativos em inglês.

Será que você é bom mesmo? Tente resolver o Quiz em apenas 60 segundos.


Hora de treinar!

( 8º ano) Whose and Who's

Vamos treinar o uso do Whose and Who's.

Lembre-se WHO é para pessoas e WHOSE é para coisas e ou objetos.

Preste atenção também no singular  ( this) e plural (these) .

Hora do game!
Você tem apenas 60 segundos para concluir o Quiz.